Laugh it Off with Felicia Madison

Comedian Felicia Madison on the “joys” of Mother’s Day.

Felicia Madison

By Felicia Madison

Mother’s Day: oh, the joys of being appreciated one day a year. We should rename it Mother’s Morning—that’s about how long everyone can last on their best behavior. Breakfast in bed, amazing. Horrifying kitchen, not so amazing.

You know what would really make me happy this Mother’s Day…ditching my kids, my mom and for sure my mother-in-law. Sure, I love my kids, most of the time, but I am with them every day. I am taking charge of my day and feeding my body and soul with what I truly need: a day with no nagging, no whining, no fighting or complaining. Are you with me?

I know what you are thinking: It is just not worth having to deal with the complaining and guilt afterward from your mother and mother-in-law. No worries. I have the perfect solution—laughter. Laughing with friends and family has been proven to strengthen bonds, even increase one’s lifespan and all this while burning calories and toning your stomach muscles.

So, go ahead, I dare you, feed your soul and heal the family afterward with laughter. A good place to start: Madison’s Laughercise lunch at the West Side Comedy Club (201 W. 75th St.) on May 14.