Many lives have been profoundly impacted by COVID-19, especially those of students making the abrupt and dramatic change from in-person learning to virtual. Online school may make it more difficult for children to engage with lessons, retain information, adhere to deadlines and excel in both classwork and standardized testing, a critical component of the college admissions process. Students who had previously found enrichment through extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and creative and artistic pursuits have been upended by social distancing and stay-at-home orders, which can possibly lead to poor mental health and school performance.
While it may be easier for adults to improvise and adapt to these challenges, children must be equipped with resources to make these transitions less overwhelming. Strong parental support can be invaluable in helping kids mitigate these tough times, but expert educational consulting from IvyWise can offer an extra boost. IvyWise has provided comprehensive assistance in college admissions, tutoring, mentoring and research services to students and families worldwide for over 22 years. The IvyWise team has over 250 years of combined experience in admissions offices at schools including Yale, Princeton, MIT and NYU, as well as over 50 years of experience in college guidance roles at top independent and private schools.
In 2020, 91 percent of IvyWise students were accepted into one or more of their three top-choice schools, and in the company’s entire 22-year history less than 1 percent of students have transferred to other schools after their original admittance. Providing support through both free online resources and tutoring from professionals with an average of 12 years test-prep experience, IvyWise can make the often-daunting college-admissions process easier to manage. The team has been conducting virtual sessions with students for almost two decades, allowing counselors to engage with clients through a familiar format. With a recent uptick in requests for executive-functioning skills coaching, IvyWise tutors provide students with the organizational and study skills to establish structure, set goals and time lines, and effectively manage their workloads.

IvyWise founder and CEO Dr. Kat Cohen says, “It is never too early to begin the college process, as admissions become more competitive alongside dropping acceptance rates. In fact, we recently launched WiseStart™ for K-8 students, offering academic tutoring, skills coaching, test prep, school-admissions counseling, and early college prep.” In addition to a webinar series hosted by college-admissions experts, IvyWise has also launched the Just Admit It! podcast, featuring the latest admissions news and tips from former admissions officers in quick, 30-minute episodes.