Guided By Biet: Breathe Again

Inhale and exhale your way to a more peaceful state of mind.
Access a transcendent bliss state through breath work. Photo courtesy of Dreamtime.

Spiritual teacher, bestselling author and contributing columnist at Purist Biet Simkin is also the creator of a new breath work system. We sat down with her to learn more about this system, the centerpiece of Breathwork: 30 Breathing Practices to Enhance Your Everyday Wellbeing, a new deck of tarot-esque cards out now under a Hachette imprint. 

What led you to develop your own breath work system?

Fifteen years ago when I got sober from drugs, I decided I wanted to live a life that was extraordinary, but I also missed the euphoria and bliss I used to get from drugs. So, I set out to create a life where I could dip into a euphoric state whenever I wanted. This led me to develop a new breath work system, one where everyone could access this transcendent bliss state. I think the key thing that separates my new system is that you don’t need an hour to reach this peak state. With my method, you can get to an altered bliss state in a little under four minutes. You have a kind of natural pharmacy inside you, if you’re willing to access it.

Biet Simkin photo by Elizabeth Waterman

Why a breath work deck?

The idea of this deck is that you can pop a little bit of breath work into any busy day. The deck is so easy to use. It has step-by-step instructions and you really only need to do one card to change your state. You know, just pick a card at random and just try it. In particular, my signature breathing practice only takes a few minutes to completely dip into a euphoric state. This deck is great for people who are busy and living a fast-paced life.

The artwork on the cards is gorgeous. 

Yes! This deck is so beautiful. You can place it on your coffee table, your desk at work or on an altar if that’s your thing. It allows you to be fashionable and chic without giving up your higher states. It’s kinda sneaky: You might buy it because it’s pretty, but when you open it up, a wealth of wisdom and tools lives inside. When you mix beauty with transcendent spiritual work, something magical happens. The mixture of the spiritual with beautiful aesthetics and real-life results is what my work is all about.