By Rev. Jolene Star
We are living at a very auspicious time in human history. We might even consider this period of mystery as a space in between time. Slowing down and speeding up, with highs and lows—the world is surely very busy. As this process of heightened awareness unfolds, we will find ourselves alchemizing individually and collectively, moving from one state of being to another. Buckle up and trust the way.
From the age of human-made to AI-connected, we will be faced with many spiritual challenges as well as energetic upgrades. Ultimately, the choice is ours to raise our vibrations and take care of the soul within on this incredible journey. This means that as the world is turning and shifting, changing and growing, so too are you and so too is every human being on the planet.
This great change that is upon us will ask that we clear and clean up our relationships to ourselves, the planet and our communities. You may find that over the next few months, life and reality may look different then it has ever looked before. Though not fixed and predictable, this is actually a blessing. Since we have never experienced it, we then have an opportunity to create something that’s never been created before.
I invite you to imagine your body and soul as a part of the bigger divine plan on planet Earth. In reality, why else would you be alive at this time, if you weren’t part of this bigger vision? You are not only the creator, you are also the remover of obstacles, so don’t hesitate to clean house and honor your soul story, first and foremost.
Below are my spiritual tips for this fall season on how to maintain your center, rooted in your truth as the world turns at its own unpredictable pace:
- Honor your boundaries, while keeping an open heart. Healthy boundaries help relationships to thrive.
- Refine your communication skills so they match your actions. Keynote: Action aligned with intention creates change.
- Perform a daily cleansing using spiritual tools such as sage and incense, Aura-Soma, ritual baths, breathing and sound meditation. Move stagnant energy off your field to feel lighter and make room.
- Allow yourself three to seven minutes a day to completely surrender to the floor like a snow angel, palms facing up. Your body and mind will thank you as you give your nervous system a moment of quiet.
- Begin to understand that you are one with the flow in life by being responsible and accountable for everything that shows up in your path. Yes, everything. It’s time to accept the lessons that are here to help you evolve and grow. The world needs your elevation and honesty, and that begins within.
- Own your time. Give from a space of love and expect nothing in return. This helps to release ourselves from disappointment and expectations of others. Remember that no one is expected to do things the way you do them. We are all unique individuals with our own blueprint. See the beauty in other’s choices by reminding yourself of free will.
- Make time to take time for you, because truth be told, you come in alone and go out alone, so make sure you make yourself a priority. Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
- Go where the love is.
- This is your one life, in this form. Choose how you want to live it, and then bring that energy forward. Now is the time. theenchantedheart.com, @jolenestar_