Here’s a surprising fact that’s absolutely vital to you and your family’s health and well-being: Your body is two-thirds water, which means water is, literally, the essence of your life. No cell, no organ and no function of your body can perform at its optimum without proper hydration.
But how can you be assured that the water flowing from your faucets is pure and clear of contaminants, toxins, tannins and discoloration? Here’s how: Install the remarkable Tensui Water Perfection System. Day after day, year after year, it will deliver drop after drop of the perfect water you and your family deserve.
When you drink, shower and bathe in Tensui water, your body absorbs essential vitamins and minerals resulting in silkier-looking hair and softer, smoother, healthier-feeling skin. A Tensui Water Perfection System also enriches the taste and organic integrity of every dish you cook. Right now, you’re probably washing your fresh-bought organic food in tap or improperly filtered water, both of which affect your food’s organic purity. Water from the Tensui Water Perfection System maintains your food’s organic integrity, and tastes great.
Tensui can not only make you look and feel healthier, it also makes your life easier—each system automatically cleans itself with backwash regeneration, so there’s no need to change filters every month, lug home cases of bottled water or hook up contraptions to your faucets. In fact, with Tensui, there’s absolutely nothing to do but enjoy perfect water.
So now that you know that the source of perfect water can be your faucet, it’s time to learn more about how the remarkable Tensui Water Perfection System can improve you and your family’s lives. tensuiwater.com, Scott Lowy: 631.979.5180