PURIST + Hamptons International Film Festival’s 25th Anniversary Celebration with Tribes of Los Palos Verdes, Baker House, East Hampton, NY

Selects photos from the HIFF Baker House Reception

PURIST + HIFF + Tribes of Los Palos Verdes Reception, Baker House, East Hampton, NY – October 6th, 2017

On October 6th, the Purist hosted guests to the baker house in east hampton to celebrate the world premiere of “the tribes of palos verdes”. notable attendees included stars jennifer garner, justin kirk, cody fern, maika munroe and directors brendan malloy & emmet malloy. Also in attendance was hiff founder, ann chaisson, and jimmy choo president, tanya golesic.
additional support from our sponsors: jimmy choo, casa dragones tequila, and fleurs de prairies rose. 
photography credit: paul domzal  
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact Director of Marketing, Karina Srb for more shots from the event!