Whether you’re ready to face the holidays head-on, or need to ease into them gently, recommendations from What Should We Do’s experts will help you refresh and renew mind and body for the busy season ahead. The recently launched app, founded by Tony Award-winning producer Arielle Tepper Madover (Dear Evan Hansen), offers a 24-hour personalized concierge service. whatshouldwedo.com
What distinguishes this “clairvoyant healing” service from just a regular old spa? Nuurvana offers massage, acupuncture and cupping, but along with these fairly mainstream treatments, you can also get a psychic reading from one of six spiritual advisors, including owner Deganit Nuur, an herbalist and acupuncturist who will intuit your physical and energetic needs as she works on you. Expect healing, relaxation, kindness and maybe an emotional breakthrough. nuurvana.com
The candlelit ambiance of this beautifully appointed space, centered around thermal pools, steam and other watery spa treatments, is pretty transformative on its own. Add a massage and you’re guaranteed a day’s worth of bliss. For a major splurge, try the Red Wine Experience, which is exactly what it sounds like: a good, long soak in red wine, which is said to leave skin exceptionally soft. ancientbathsny.com
The owners of this “not your mother’s day spa” claim that after 45 minutes in one of their infrared saunas, you’ll be buzzed—no substances required. Featuring light displays in various colors tuned to your chakras and a state-of-the-art sound system (bring your own music or listen to one of their playlists), these saunas will relax your body and mind. higherdose.com
Considered by many fitness fanatics to be the most challenging workout in New York City, Tone House will put you through a grueling whole-body class that will leave you sweaty and spent. It sounds a lot like a boot camp-style workout, but there’s a difference: At Tone House, instructors don’t belittle you. The focus is not on breaking you down but rather on building you up. Think of a Tone House class as a sports team practice, with instructors and fellow participants cheering your successes. After a challenging workout, you’ll feel like you’re part of a team. tonehouse.com
When super-fit, super-chill Halle “Homegirl” Becker isn’t leading spin at SoulCycle or hot vinyasa at Pure Yoga, you can find her in her Upper East Side apartment, teaching her signature drop-in yoga class. Held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, the class attracts a friendly group of moms, local yoga teachers and the occasional celebrity. Expect a rock ’n’ roll soundtrack on the stereo and some frank (and often hilarious) “real talk” from Halle about her life and struggles. Don’t forget to stick around for coffee afterward. homegirlyoga.com
A cathartic mind-body experience, the Class provides release through calisthenics, plyometrics and unconventional techniques like running in place with your eyes closed while yelling as loudly as you can. Set to upbeat music, each session also challenges you to connect with your mind, delivering you to a state of emotional euphoria. taryntoomey.com
Whether you’re bellying up to the tonic bar for a plant-based energy drink or attending a seminar on the effects of cannabis on inflammation, this shop, “celebrating the power of plants for conscious living,” is Manhattan’s new one-stop spot for all things herbal. thealchemistskitchen.com
It was only a matter of time before the Spinning Industrial Complex took a long hard look at indoor cycling and concluded that what it needed was water. At this fitness studio, you’ll sit on your state-of-the-art spinning bike waist-deep in water, for added resistance. aquastudiony.com