In the Feng Shui Flow

While the name of her favored Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui may sound a bit intimidating to those new to the ancient Eastern practice, Laura Cerrano, the founder of Feng Shui Manhattan, offers easy tips for bringing harmony to your home.
Feng Shui Flow
Photo by Marili Forastieri

Feng shui is a metaphysical science used to enhance the energetic frequencies of your land, work and living environments. Through keen observations and intentful interactions with your surroundings, you become more aware of their emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological effects.

One of the main feng shui methods I utilize with my clients is called “Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui,” also known as BTB Feng Shui. This method, designed for Westernized lifestyles and blended with East- ern philosophy (yin-and-yang principles, Five Elements theory, I Ching, shamanism and the Ba-gua map), was introduced to America during the late 1970s.

The Ba-gua map, a feng shui energy tool, is used to deter- mine which areas of your home are energetically connected to specific aspects of your life (such as reputation, children/ creativity, career, family/health and wealth). A main element, an accent color and a shape in each section help harmonize the frequencies of your living space.

The map also serves as a guide to help navigate and re- fine the where, when, who, why, how and what changes you intend to cultivate in your life. Through conversation, reading the Ba-gua map, and walking through your home, personalized feng shui suggestions are provid- ed by the consultant. The type of suggestions depend on your intentions—what is motivating you in the first place?

Feng Shui Flow
Ba-gua Map

Adopting simple feng shui principles into your lifestyle and home can be easy and may not seem as far-fetched as you think. Decluttering is one of the easiest principles you can implement. Consider this perspective on clutter as world-renowned spiritual author Eckhart Tolle puts it: “Clutter is the complete lack of spaciousness.” He’s referring not just to the physical lack of space, but even more so to emotional, mental and energetic lack of space. From a feng shui perspective, everything is energy, including objects. Depending on where an object came from, its intent of creation, and who gave it to you, all things resonate to a certain frequency of positive or unbeneficial energy. I invite you to take the time to become more conscious with the process of decluttering and aware of how these objects (artwork, furniture, paperwork, photos, etc.) could be affecting you. Here is a simple phrase my mother taught me: “if you don’t need it, use it, or love it, let it go.”

A form of feng shui developed out of Germany, Baubiologie promotes the reduction of EMFs (unhealthy electromagnetic frequencies) within your home. One area in particular you can focus on is the bedroom. Computers, cellphones and televisions are considered the biggest culprits for increased interference with your circadian rhythm while sleeping. If you can’t remove all major electronics, then at least keep them 4 to 5 feet away from your body when resting. The next option is to make it a habit of turning off your Wi-Fi before going to sleep. This helps reduce radio frequency pollution.

If you are new to feng shui, starting with small changes can compound into present-moment and long-term transformations.