Waiting To Inhale

How safe is the air you’re breathing right now? Mold specialist Rick LaPierre offers insights and some sobering statistics.
Photo by Artur Luczka

In 2014, according to Forbes, the total cost for health care in the United States amounted to a staggering $3.8 trillion. That same year, the American Medical Association stated that one out of every three dollars of health-care costs is directly attributed to indoor air pollution, which comes to about $1.3 trillion. Let’s not forget the hundreds of billions of dollars lost due to absenteeism and production delays.

Indoor air pollution is actually getting worse each year, due in large part to changes in our building codes that limit the ability of the structure to breathe properly, and the introduction of HVAC systems that in many cases are not being satisfactorily maintained. According to the World Health Organization, over 4.6 million people die annually due to the effects of indoor air pollution, while millions more go undiagnosed.

The indoor air quality in this nation is of a terribly low caliber. Environmental toxins are doing great harm to millions of people. The prime culprit is often mold exposure, which causes mycotoxicosis. Mycotoxins are a second metabolite attached to mold spores, and the main cause of health issues resulting from indoor air pollution. Early this century, the World Health Organization released the following quote: “The Great Masquerader of the 21st century is mycotoxins.”

Fatigue, brain fog, headaches, sinus issues, scratchy throat, joint pain, asthma, skin rashes, infections, depression, anxiety, loss of motor and cognitive function, itchy watery eyes and many other symptoms of mycotoxicosis mimic other diseases, and because the majority of the medical community is not educated and aware, the public suffers, and the costs of health care continue to spiral out of control.

One of the ways that mold remains under the radar is that some people are more sensitive to it than others.  A member of a household may be sick, while the rest of the family shows no signs of illness. Make no mistake about it: Indoor air issues will eventually affect anyone in that environment, but can take years to show up. Very few doctors and nurses know anything about mycotoxins. Imagine going to your doctor, feeling poorly, wasting time and money on treatments that in some cases will make you worse.

Schools and workplaces are also affected. No one wants to admit what is happening in our public buildings for fear of lawsuits amounting to millions of dollars. The biocides, fungicides and pesticides now being used by 95 percent of the remediation companies not only don’t get rid of the problem completely, allowing regrowth down the road, but they actually make it worse in some cases, according to the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.

We need to remove toxins from the environment and then remove the toxins from the patient, otherwise  treatments are a waste of money. There now exists a proven organic, nontoxic enzyme wash bioremediation technique to improve the indoor air quality, so that anyone who is immunosuppressed can give their immune system a chance to function properly. The best news of all: A program is now available that allows any company or school to improve their indoor air quality themselves. Go to TM-100.com for more information. There are no excuses now for delay. Let’s face the indoor air pollution crisis for the health and well-being of our society.