Dear Biet,
I have a really hard time with the word God. I find it off-putting, and it usually makes me angry. I am, however, looking to be more spiritual. Sometimes I think these feelings are contradictory. What are your thoughts or suggestions?
Lidia Grace, Tennessee
Dear Lidia Grace,
It’s so normal to be annoyed about the whole God thing. In this new day, it is our duty to create that mythology ourselves. We cannot be spoon-fed something that some man wrote 2,000 years ago or even 5,000 years ago. With that said, I am a huge fan of Jesus and of Buddha…it’s just we must re-understand who these enlightened masters were. What I say is, go write your own definition of God. Then get a new God. Get one that loves you unconditionally. Get one that wants everything good for you. Get one that makes you feel joy. Hope this helps! I get how hard it can be.
Dear Biet,
I am always depressed. I feel life has no meaning, and I can’t seem to get over how depressing the tragedies of my life have been. I lost my partners to horrible illnesses and cared for them for years. Many friends of mine have died suddenly. I can’t believe that there is any rhyme or reason to this life. Is there any hope? I just feel so endlessly depressed.
Candice, NYC
Dear Candice,
I know how hard this world is! It has given me so much loss and pain. I get that it’s not an easy ride! With that said, how can we change the narrative so that that’s OK? In my view, I came here for the full experience. The agony, the bliss, the gifts, the losses. If I focus on only one side, I am missing the glorious magic of Earth! Earth is not an easy place; it’s brutal and harsh and ends in death (the great mystery). I found that once I had acceptance for the great variety here and stopped expecting everything to feel like the end of a rom-com…I found life got so sweet! It’s a choice, Candice. No one can make it for us and I will say this: If you’re down and out as you say you are, you have nowhere to go but up! However, you have to change everything. Your habits, your beliefs, your practices, maybe even your friends. That’s what I did, and it led me here. I come from nothing and dust, and if I can do it so can you! You have to spend as much energy on joy as you do on your endless mystery! Make a swap! What do you say? You in?
I believe in you!
Dear Biet,
I was doing some of your meditations and breath work recently and had the realization that I was holding a secret that I did not know. I feel I remember I was molested as a child, by my uncle. While I am shaken by the discovery, I am also at ease, as I feel relieved to remember the truth. It is because of the powerful work of the Biet breath work that I have found this memory. Do people often remember things when doing this type of work? What do you recommend to clients for healing?
Mar, NYC
Dear Mar,
Oof, truth is truth isn’t it? Even if it’s a lemon…somehow it’s a treasure to just know what’s up. I remember when I first awoke to sobriety and returning to my father’s work, the first step was just seeing how ugly everything was, how ugly I was…how broken, how flawed. That first step led to this bliss I live in now. Same with this painful and horror-like discovery you made. I see you asking questions because of it that will lead you to your gold. There is nothing more beautiful than you! Even with this horror, even with this pain. You are perfect and even more so!
Love you!