By Gabrielle Echevarrieta
During a time when the American health care system prioritizes treatment of chronic illness over prevention, the yearly checkup often becomes buried in the endless to-do lists of busy New Yorkers. Crowded waiting rooms, complicated insurance protocols and impersonal examinations by overworked physicians discourages patients even further, potentially delaying detection of disease. For those seeking an easier alternative, Elitra Health elevates the ordinary annual physical to boost longevity and improve quality of life.
“Preventive health care is the key to a long and healthy life,” says Elitra Health COO Ari Cukier. “We focus on spotting health trends early, rather than waiting for something to happen, and making adjustments to ensure better overall well-being and a healthier future.”
Elitra Health’s innovative patient care model circumvents challenges often faced by traditional medical practices, like long wait times and poor follow-up for test results and referrals. While a typical diagnostic regimen may include multiple appointments at clinics and testing facilities over a period of weeks or months, Elitra’s signature executive exam addresses every facet of a patient’s health during a single visit.
The executive exam includes a longevity-focused physical assessment coupled with a wide variety of tests performed in-house with same-day results. A team of preventive medicine specialists gathers a holistic understanding of each patient’s lifestyle practices and medical history, then develops a customized itinerary, including two hours of dedicated face-to-face doctor time.
In partnership with Mt. Sinai Hospital, Elitra performs advanced blood work, ultrasounds, on-site cardiac imaging, cancer and aneurysm scans, nutritional counseling, emotional health screenings, and exercise physiology evaluation. The day concludes with an extensive review of test results, development of treatment plans and specialist visits, and strategies to implement physician-recommended lifestyle adjustments.
“From a clinical component, we try to be best in class,” Cukier says. “Top clinicians, top clinical guidelines, while also being a high-quality customer service provider. We try to be the Four Seasons from a service standpoint, while also striving to make the visit more thorough and efficient.”
A tranquil respite from the cold, clinical atmosphere of the average doctor’s office, Elitra’s “7-star” spa-inspired facility features luxury wellness amenities paired with white-glove concierge service.
Patients are invited to unwind in private suites between tests, book a session with an on-site masseuse, order food or car service through clinic staff, and coordinate follow-up care after their session.
255 Greenwich St., New York; elitrahealth.com