Nutrafol’s Post-Summer Hair Tips

The return to routines post-season can affect hair health.
Nutrafol employs a whole-body approach to hair growth. Photo courtesy of Nutrafol

It’s back-to-school time. A change of seasons, with attendant shifts in work and social schedules, can bring unique stressors that impact hair health. Purist spoke with Brianna Diorio, Ph.D., clinical nutritionist and director of product education at Nutrafol, to dive into the science behind hair growth, and share tips for optimizing healthy hair this season.

PURIST: What are some hair thinning triggers people may not realize are impacting them this time of year? 

Brianna Diorio: Routines provide structure and predictability to our lives, and can be beneficial for maintaining balanced health. However, disruptions to routines can affect well-being. Deviating from established routines during the summer can indirectly and directly impact factors we didn’t realize play a role in hair health, such as nutrition, stress and sleep. Whether it is the stress of figuring out the upcoming sports and carpool schedules, back-to-school shopping, or getting the kids and their extracurricular activities aligned, these stressors can add up and impact hair health. Some of these choices can indirectly impact interconnected systems, such as sleep and nutrition.

PURIST: What are some tips for combating these triggers? 

BD: It is important to cover your foundational health bases by focusing on factors such as stress, nutrition, sleep, hydration and movement, working to create a healthy lifestyle with habits and routines that support your wellness goals. Stay “boring” with your diet—eat nutrient-dense foods that contain a variety of plant compounds, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For hair health, focus on quality proteins and omega fatty acids. Work to get in some form of movement every day. Aim for quality sleep each night.

Additionally, adding in a supplement, such as Nutrafol Hair Growth Supplement, can help address underlying root causes that can impact hair health. Although this time of year can possibly feel overwhelming, it’s also a wonderful time to recommit to yourself and work on adopting new habits and routines that can support your health.

PURIST: How does one stay consistent while getting back into a routine? 

BD: Hair growth takes time. If you’re beginning a dietary regimen with supplements like Nutrafol, take them consistently for at least three to six months to see results. Habit stacking is also a big one. If you want to implement something new into your routine, stack it with another habit you’ve already adopted: “After I get back from the gym I eat my breakfast and take my Nutrafol.” Carve out a specific time for the new activity.