By Rev. Jolene Star
Buckle up buttercups, we’re about to take flight! Imagine you are living at the ultimate moment in history where we could potentially go from zero to 100 in one year. There will be no shortage of opportunities for spiritual course corrections in 2025. The golden rule will be: What you feed, grows. So the question is, what will you be channeling your energy into come January for yourselves, your families and your communities?
There is no doubt that we have entered the space between absolute time; nothing is as it appears. Take this opportunity to activate the alchemist within, because anything is possible in the gray zone. This opening is what I refer to as “the changing of the guards.” The choice is yours to become your own authority as we move through this energy, so claim your power and rise to the occasion.
To be an alchemist in 2025, understand that everything is malleable, so keep your heart soft and your mind open. The ultimate change maker is the one waiting to be born within you. You are not only the medicine you seek, you are also the one you have been waiting for. As we begin to normalize change, our pathways toward independence and freedom will shift on every level. Be OK with being the breakaway, redirecting your own ship for the course ahead. Remember, no one knows the way except the divine, so tighten that relationship and let yourself be guided by the light within and not the forces that come to lead you astray.
This year ahead will force you to let go or be dragged, to stand in your truth, but also consider that there are many truths at play and that peace is the ultimate goal of a life well lived. Protect your peace this year while simultaneously carving the path for a graceful and grateful future. Take a moment before that clock strikes 12 to check your inventory of all that you have and all that you are grateful for. At any moment we may collectively turn the page on a world we once knew. This thought should bring no fear, for the only thing that is certain in every moment of our life is change, so choose to give your everything to this year ahead.
2025: a year of no half-dreams. Dream bigger and wider than ever before. It’s time to come together, for what is divided collectively and internally will fall. So give a thought to union—what does it mean to you? When all else around is uncertain they say, learn everything. Anything is possible, so don’t believe the hype; just as the foundations are set, so too will we all take flight. Humanity is rising and hearts are hearing the call. Get quiet and listen, you’ll know when, what to do, and trust you will not fall. You are your own authority; stand tall and proud—what no longer serves you, let it go—don’t follow the crowd.
The energy forecast for 2025 will be glittering with surprises, so just stay in the glow, trust, be in awe and ahead we will go.
Here are a few energetic tips to smooth your ride on the way in:
Start every day with gratitude. This should not be underestimated this year. In fact, gratitude should be amplified.
Make peace a priority. Honor the temple you inhabit so you can be happy, healthy and free.
Don’t look for agreement; if you believe it, believe it. If you don’t, let it go.
Abolish the desire for conflict. Society has been trained to crave distress; we need to slowly wean ourselves away from this energy so peace can be a reality and not just an idea.
Pray for the world. Love more. Your energy counts!
theenchantedheart.com, @jolenestar_ or text 551.404.8022