The future of social drinking is here. oHHo’s deliciously sparkling, cannabis-infused seltzers are low on calories, high on vibes. Experience an elevated buzz (minus the booze). No alcohol, no hangover, no worries.
To enjoy, simply crack a seltzer and pour over ice. Each naturally-flavored can, which contains two servings, delivers a sparkly, social buzz. Its key ingredients—THC, CBD and CBG—are widely reported to reduce anxiety, boost mood and relieve pain.

oHHo has gone above and beyond to ensure its seltzers taste as good as they make you feel—boasting natural ingredients that taste like summer. They are available in three citrusy refreshing flavors: Pink Grapefruit and Elderflower, Blood Orange and Pomegranate, and Cherry Lime. Plus, oHHo’s seltzers are gently sparkling, delivering the ultimate bubbly buzz, perfect for a loud night out or a quiet one on the sofa.
Use code PURIST at checkout for 15 percent off your favorite flavor or mixed pack of seltzers. weareohho.com