Adam Miller Pivots To Win

The Hamptons real estate attorney combines top-flight expertise with a mindful approach to the art of the deal.
Legal eagle Adam Miller, who specializes in real estate and land use, launched his Bridgehampton practice in 2007. Photo courtesy of Adam Miller Group

By Jim Servin

With $6 billion in real estate sales, and $300 million in current deals between contract and negotiation, Adam Miller is a force of nature when it comes to real estate law and land development in the Hamptons. The former Manhattan big firm real estate attorney opened his Bridgehampton practice, Adam Miller Group, in 2007 and has expanded three times, building a business that is, he says, “60 percent real estate and 40 percent land use, which is where I want it.” In an approach that he describes as holistic, Miller engages in meaningful dialogue and pivots adroitly through the labyrinth of the law, with a goal that his clients not only have a favorable outcome, but find themselves better for the experience. 

“I want the client to feel accomplished, that they’ve won something,” Miller says. “My approach to people is almost doctor-ish. We’re usually protecting their largest asset. The legal process doesn’t have to be antagonistic. It can be cathartic when things work out and everybody leaves satisfied.” 

A recent deal in Southampton Village provided such a victory. Through Miller’s expert knowledge of the law, he and his team determined that a state line had been erroneously placed, and then petitioned to get it moved. “It allowed us to build as a matter of right, instead of applying for a variance,” he says. “We were able to avoid what would have been a costly and time consuming process.” Miller’s facility with zoning committees came from direct, strategic experience: “I was a zoning board attorney in East Hampton for a year when I moved out here, which gave me a great foundation.” 

The father of two daughters, ages 8 and 11, Miller credits a natural ability cultivated as a college athlete for his exceptional performances. “I’m also a good listener—I actually love hearing all the details. My wife can’t get over how I remember them.” Golf allows him to refuel and renew his mind, body and spirit. “As a lawyer, you are always fighting for someone else. You have to carve out time to be with yourself. Golf gives me that meditative state.” His other
go-to is acupuncture. “It is a very effective methodology. Ten massages are the equivalent of one acupuncture session.”   

When it comes to the ever-vacillating real estate market, Miller has proven his ability to ride the roller coaster with finesse. “Interest rates are historically low. The market is 15-20 percent higher than it was last year. It continues to go up,” he says. “Stocks are going to be volatile, and because of that, the real estate market will be a little manic, because of the emotion involved in real estate. You’d be shocked at how emotion is tied to real estate. But,” he adds, “I’ve never had a client call me and say they regret buying out here. That to me speaks volumes about the very special community we live in.”