Celebrating Resilience

September 23, 2024

The Challenged Athletes Foundation hosted its 18th annual Heroes, Heart & Hope Gala at the grand Casa Cipriani in New York city, celebrating the resilience and achievements of athletes with physical disabilities. Casa Cipriani provided a stunning backdrop for the evening, offering a blend of elegance and sophistication that complemented the gala’s inspiring mission. Spearheaded by event chairs Scott and Emily Stackman, the gala successfully raised over $2.4 million to support adaptive sports equipment and programs, transforming the lives of countless individuals. 

The Stackmans played a key role in the night’s success as their involvement for the past 18 years has not only transformed the organization, but their own lives as well. They have worked endlessly to fundraise by organizing galas that have been key in CAF’s growth and impact over the years. This gala treated guests to an immersive experience that included powerful storytelling from CAF athletes, as well as programming that emphasized the impact their adaptive sports equipment and programs have had on athletes’ lives. 

The gala brought together a highly influential crowd, including Bob Costas, who conducted an inspiring on-stage interview with 14-year-old Rosalie Parker, who lost all four limbs in a car accident. She found her passion for adaptive sports through a CAF baseball clinic and now serves as a role model within the CAF community. Rosalie’s journey of resilience and rediscovery captivated the audience and embodied the evening’s spirit of hope and determination. The event also honored longtime supporter Alan Mnuchin, whose commitment to CAF since 2006 has been instrumental in advancing the foundation’s mission.

The spirit of perseverance was further exemplified by Scott Sussman and his son Tyler, both diagnosed with hereditary spastic paraplegia. Despite their challenges, they actively participate in adaptive sports, demonstrating that with the right support, anything is possible. The gala underscored the crucial role of community in breaking down barriers and empowering the next generation of athletes.

As the evening came to a close, it was clear that the collective efforts of supporters, athletes and advocates are helping to redefine what is possible for individuals with physical disabilities. challengedatheletes.org