Coaches: Kevin Menard and Jimmy Minardi

Stay in peak condition with the help of two East End all-stars in the fields of fitness, yoga and acupuncture.

Kevin Menard: Sports Medicine Acupuncturist

Ten years ago, Kevin Menard trained for triathlons while pursuing a career in media business development. “I was working hard, playing hard and training hard—and I kept injuring myself.” His practice of meditation/yoga and martial arts led Menard to explore another Eastern discipline: acupuncture. “The needles kind of freaked me out,” he admits, “but after my first treatment, I was hooked.” When the economy crashed, Menard changed careers, studying to become a licensed acupuncturist, and becoming certified in sports medicine acupuncture.

Today, his Sag Harbor office is a mecca for musculoskeletal pain sufferers. Athletes to architects, brokers to beachcombers appreciate Menard’s modern approach to a traditional healing modality, which includes CBD. With chronic pain, “the body kind of forgets—that’s why people can walk around with pain for months, if not years. Sports medicine needling reminds the body and brain, ‘Hey, let’s focus back on this injury over here.’”

Menard’s spare time is spent not on triathlons, but on using needles to help troubled teens. When the East End experienced a high rate of teen suicide, Menard began offering free clinics for young people aged 12 to 19. “Parents have sent letters saying they hadn’t seen their kid smile in six months; now they’re laughing and showing optimism. It’s amazing how inserting needles in people can have such dramatic effects on body and spirit—it just blows my mind.” menardacupuncture.comJulia Szabo

Jimmy Minardi: Gratitude Without Attitude

“Effort is between you and you,” and “Hack away the unnecessary” are a few of the gems Jimmy Minardi tosses out on beach workouts, surfer yoga class and cycling groups throughout the Hamptons. Retirement led Minardi, a former professional cyclist, body-builder, and ice hockey player, back home to East Hampton, where he trained with world-renowned Ashtanga master Beryl Bender Birch and embraced the yogi lifestyle. “I sleep and wake with the sun,” he says. “I eat and train with the seasons. I keep it simple and efficient.”

The Minardi Training founder’s results-driven, dynamic approach to fitness always keeps things playful. Students get nicknames like “Magic Hands,” or “Sassy.” “I like to create a team environment, not taking ourselves too seriously,” he says. “I want you to get more out of your playtime.”

Class participants range from 14 to 70 years of age; students eagerly absorb the wisdom Minardi has gleaned. Based in the Hamptons all summer, and in Santa Barbara and Aspen in winter, Minardi—whose mantra is to “use the outdoors as the world’s best gym”—aims to create awareness and promote longevity. “Aesthetics are nice, but I want you stable, mobile and strong. I want to keep you out of the injury bin.” —Debra Rose