Project Healthy Children works to end malnutrition in Africa by ensuring that every woman and child receives meals containing essential nutrients. By enriching the flour supply of small communities, Project Healthy Children is able to prevent developmental impairment, malaria outbreaks and starvation.
More than 130 million girls around the world are out of school due to poverty, war and gender discrimination. The Malala Fund, founded by Nobel Prize-winning activist Malala Yousafzai, works to break down these education barriers across the world by employing female teachers, building girls schools, and encouraging young women to advocate for their rights.
The Rainforest Trust protects fragile rainforest ecosystems by strategically purchasing land at risk for deforestation, thus saving the homes of indegenous communities and endangered species. By preserving this land, we can help combat accelerated deforestation rates and reduce the effects of climate change.
As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to an end, show support to National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI works with over 500 community chapters to promote mental health awareness, provide resources and education, and advocate for legislative change to support the millions of people living with mental illness in the U.S.
Partners In Health believes that quality health care is a human right, and works across the globe to treat patients and train health care workers in remote and marginalized communities. Your donation to Partners in Health’s COVID-19 relief fund will assist front-line health care teams on four continents, working to build health systems and protect immunocompromised people.
Since 1961, Amnesty International has worked to secure human rights for all, focusing on a collection of the most pressing issues facing mankind. By advocating for the voiceless, changing oppressive laws and bringing abusers to justice, Amnesty International makes the world a safer place.
Access to clean drinking water can transform lives. has given the gift of safe water sources and sanitization technology to communities for over 25 years. For a small donation, you can help families break the cycle of poverty and grant them the time and resources to pursue education, earn an income and ensure a healthier future.