Adventures With the God Molecule

The smallest particle in the universe may hold a key to longevity.


Photo: Daniele Levis Pelusi

By Amely Greeven

What if the smallest thing in the world was the most powerful thing for our health? Mind-bending musings like this are part of the journey when you start to explore the potential of molecular hydrogen, the gas that is about to spark a revolution in regenerative health. Molecular hydrogen (H2) is sometimes called the God Molecule, and if that sounds like hyperbole, consider this: Hydrogen was the first element to be born of the big bang; some say it spawned the genesis of all life. Its molecular form—the gaseous H2—combines with oxygen to form life-giving water (among other things). Our bodies naturally make it by metabolizing fiber in the gut, which may play a key role in the gut-brain axis and protect neurons from degeneration. Combust hydrogen gas with oxygen at the right concentrations, and you get powerful alternative energy (hydrogen car, anyone?). Over the past 15 years, research has unveiled that when this molecule is administered for human health, the therapeutic effects are rather awe-inspiring.

I first learned about hydrogen gas through integrative and electromedicine pioneer Nuno Nina, who has been using molecular hydrogen in his Lisbon, Portugal, health clinic for two decades. He describes it as “the essence of everything,” and uses it as part of a layered strategy to bring the biological terrain of the cells into balance so they can regenerate and repair, thereby restoring health if it is lost. Intrigued—as a midlife working mom, I need any help I can get to stave off cellular decline and hold on to peak health—I asked to try Nina’s new consumer-facing device, designed to replicate his clinical interventions in the comfort of home. With his chic-looking Lumivitae CellPower Hydrogen Water Bottle in hand, I began drinking water infused with molecular hydrogen gas, amplified by Nina’s proprietary frequencies to support cellular homeostasis. Though there are various ways to administer molecular hydrogen, drinking water from a high-grade device like Nina’s—unlike many inferior hydrogen devices, it doesn’t leach metals from the electrodes that generate H2 gas from H20, and it delivers a certified therapeutic concentration of hydrogen—is the most accessible. After all, we drink water every day.

Molecular hydrogen is mighty—and still a little mysterious. With its tiny size and affinity for lipids, it easily diffuses through cell membranes and into the cell’s innermost sanctums, where it gets to work—big time. “Similar to, but superior to, an antioxidant, H2 tackles excessive oxidative stress, but it does so like a mastermind adaptogen—restoring homeostasis without pushing too far over into the reductive side of the redox process,” says scientist Tyler W. LeBaron, founder of the educational entity the Molecular Hydrogen Institute. “That is the secret miracle of this molecule.” He cites a fast-growing body of research demonstrating how H2 safely activates cell pathways that regulate inflammation, boost mitochondrial function, improve detox function and even support autophagy, the process of clearing dysfunctional or broken cells. Data even shows efficacy at reducing obesity in animal models, with some early human trials also demonstrating metabolic improvements. Adds LeBaron, “We still have a lot to learn about proper dosing, most effective way to administer, and ideal concentration—but it’s very exciting.”

As a health author, I know too much information. The cacophony around how to age slower can be overwhelming—ever new waves of supplements, regimens, programs and experts. It makes me go the opposite direction, deeply communing with the simplest things. Sunlight. Water. And, apparently, teeny tiny God molecules. A couple of weeks into my new habit, I began noticing an uplifted feeling, less need for caffeine. My digestion started to move perkily, and a longtime area of dense breast tissue softened. The hydrogen-rich water effectively combats dehydration, something that most practitioners say every one of us struggles with. Were my cells finally getting what they longed for, running their processes better? My husband began sneaking my water and curiously, a gash on his finger healed almost magically. After an athletic ski day, our recovery went much smoother. I began to wonder if the hydrogen, the water, and the frequencies imprinted in the water were somehow conspiring to make my stressed cellular terrain a little, well, more hospitable to middle-aged life.

Deeper levels of the hydrogen spiral have started to beckon me. In Southern California, a cutting-edge longevity clinic called Lumati is using molecular hydrogen in conjunction with light wavelengths, frequency, and targeted supplements to restore cellular function and combat chronic disease. Founder David Perez says, “Molecular hydrogen is one of the best cellular renewal mechanisms I know of. It helps to clear blockages in the lymph system and detoxify disease-causing environmental toxins; it is truly the great bio-optimizer that amplifies every modality we use.” While every visitor to the clinic drinks CellPower water, they also go to the “next level” with bathtub soaks in hydrogen-rich, structured water, something that Perez feels are exponentially more powerful than drinking on its own. Could this ancestor of the elements be the future of anti-aging, a key to sailing gracefully through a world of chronic stressors? Pour me a glass, draw the bath—I’m all in for finding out.

To discover more about the Lumivitae CellPower device, visit