By Donna D’Cruz
Where are you today? How are you today? The Hopi Prophecy’s language transcends metaphor by asking, “Where is your water?” Weary of juggling so much in the teeth of so many looming existential crises? It is quite the daily challenge and practice to keep on keeping on, all the while nurturing body, soul and mind. And that’s our own body, soul and mind, let alone those of our tribe members. We’ve tuned in to the adage about turning life’s lemons into fresh lemonade, but sometimes, don’t you want to close up that little ol’ lemonade stand for a while?
Perhaps it’s time to lay down the wearisome burden of “doing” and allow ourselves to be immersed in the powerful playfulness of “being.”
Just BEing…
The recent years have left an indelible thumbprint on our psyches and changed us all. Many of us have been affected to our core, have been vexed and stressed to the outer limits of our being. Many have had lives torn apart by personal loss in addition to seeing businesses and financial stability upended. How, then, to navigate this time?
One way forward may just be with the matchless and eminently sensible advice of that eternal Prince of Denmark, Hamlet: “Assume a virtue if you have it not.” Cognitive therapy at its most basic. Fake it till you make it.
Practice love, compassion and forgiveness daily till it becomes a habit and easier over time. By no means a simple task, but rather, a Herculean one comparable to cleaning out the Augean stables.
Are you ready to try these steps?
Breathe in…
Assume the mantle of love in the face of righteous anger and irritation…
Breathe out.
Breathe in…
Assume the virtue of forgiveness when unforgivable things are done…
Breathe out.
Breathe in…
Choose the harder option of patience with those who inspire impatience in you…
Breathe out.
Breathe in…
Choose kindly speech with those who may richly deserve the opposite…
Breathe out.
All this requires daily commitment and practice, but here’s what Shakespeare says via Hamlet: “For use can almost change the stamp of nature, And master even the devil, or throw him out, With wondrous potency.”
Sending you all love and light during these times.
donnadcruz.com; IG @donnadcruz1; Thursdays 5PM EST with @cristinacuomo on IG LIVE.